We like to keep you busy, if that’s what you’re into, so if you don’t feel like chilling by the pool, why not try out one of the workshops at The Arts Factory. We run all sorts of Workshops here, however every week we have the following ones.
Yoga Workshops
***By Donation***
Please contact us for the up to date schedule

At the Arts Factory Lodge you can start your day with a relaxing yoga workout. Everybody can join in even if it is your first time. Located on the grass area next to the lake (weather permitting).
Yoga is a relaxing way to get in shape and be more flexible. Yoga will give you the opportunity to bend your body in all kind of forms you didn’t expect to be able to. You will do this all by concentrating on your breathing.
You can use yoga in different kinds of ways some people use it to prepare for meditation, some people use it as a spiritual form or exercise, or just as a normal exercise to become more flexible. It is a healthy way to achieve a more flexible and healthier body and it strengthens the muscles. You will slow your mind by using those movements because yoga is all about exercising with breathing.
Yoga will teach you how to stretch all your muscles in a comfortable and relaxing way without forcing your muscles, it is also good to see if you can still manage to reach your toes.
Fire by Friction workshop
***By Donation***
Wednesday at 11am
Learn how to make a fire from scratch with our legendary, and incredibly knowledgeable Cockatoo Paul! No need for a lighter or match, learn how you can use friction by rubbing sticks together to create fire!
Book the Arts Factory Lodge in Byron Bay Now! BOOK HERE