Cairns Clifton Beach

What to pack for a trip around Cairns

There are a few essentials you should pack for any trip you do while you’re in Tropical North Queensland. I’ve done a few trips in and around Cairns now and if you forget any of the following items it could ruin your day! So, plan ahead and you’ll be able to make the most of any Cairns activity or trip.

Top 8 Essential items to pack for a trip in Cairns:

1. Insect repellent – Let’s be honest, we live in the tropics here in Cairns which, although amazing, can mean that we are sometimes joined by a few unwelcome friends. Although Cairns city itself is not bad for little buzzing creatures you take a small trip north or inland and insect repellent is a must have.

2. A bottle of water – During the year the average temperature is 30 degrees with days in the summer getting even hotter. A bottle of water in your daypack will keep you cool and hydrated and mean you can bake in that spectacular sun all day long (and it’ll help prevent headaches too!).

3. Sunscreen – Mum made us all pack it, we always forget to use it but you do need it. I have had terrible sunburn from the blistering hot sun and I know you all want to be golden brown not tomato red. (Sunburn is not fun, it’s extremely painful and it could also cause you permanent skin damage as well as ruining your holiday cause you couldn’t move from the burning). So ‘Slip, Slop, Slap!’ (Slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat!).

4. Swimmers (Togs, budgie smugglers, bikinis) – whatever your ‘swimsuit’ of your choice make sure it’s in your bag whenever you go anywhere in and around Cairns. There are incredible waterfalls, waterholes and beaches all over the area. You’ll kick yourself if you can’t take a refreshing dip when all your friends are splashing around in the water. Don’t forget to re-apply sunscreen after any time spent in the water.

5. A towel or sarong – ok so you don’t always need a towel to dry yourself because the glorious sunshine will often do that for you, however it’s always good to pack one just in case the sun isn’t so hot that day or you can also use it to lie on to rest after a brisk walk or swim or even just to have a nap on to recover after a hearty lunch! (I advise always properly drying yourself off after a Great Barrier Reef trip or after swimming in the sea as saltwater will dry your skin out more than freshwater.)

6. Correct footwear – in the tropical north it’s rare to see any kind of footwear other than ‘thongs’ (flip-flops), and although thongs are perfectly adequate footwear for most places they’re not always suitable for some locations you may visit. Pack a pair of trainers or sneakers so you have close-toed shoes for any rainforest walks (or activities like bungy jumping!)

7. Bravery – Cairns is full of action packed activities such as Sky Diving, Bungy Jumping and River Rafting, don’t be afraid, be brave and live life to the fullest in the extreme capital of Australia!

8. A Smile – Probably the most important thing to take with you anywhere you go in the world; a smile. A smile on your face can brighten anyones day! Cairns is known for fun and partying – it’s hard to wipe the smile off your face!

So now you have no reason not to enjoy everything Cairns has to offer to the fullest.

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