People are weird. Way too weird! Every human being I’ve ever met has a deep psychological problem: When you are home you miss being on your travels and when you are on your travels you start feeling homesick. Seriously?! It’s kinda funny to think about it, because you choose your own destiny.
Before the trip starts you are like “I am so excited, I can’t wait”. But after one week you may already be thinking “I miss home, I want to go back”. So, why go travelling when you know that you’ll be feeling homesick after a while?
One way of looking at feeling homesick is that this “sickness” emphasises that there is something valuable in the world. Home is the biggest value a person has. Family and friends are part of your home and you grew up there. But the world outside your home is beautiful, that is obvious, so make the most of it while you’re away and know that the feeling of homesickness will pass and you’ll be back there before you know it (and probably aching to get away again!).
Why People Feel Homesick
One thing you have to keep in mind is that everyone gets homesick at some point. Whether it’s missing your Mum’s cooking, missing your friends or just missing the local pub. Going on your travels can sometimes be a bit of a culture shock especially when you arrive in a country with an unfamiliar culture and a language that seems impossible to learn. This shock can last until the end of your trip because several factors like food, language, or people could influence your point of view.
When travelling and visiting other countries there are so many changes that take place. The daily activities and routines all change and you are exposed to new and different choices. Some of these prove difficult as we have many habits at home and when they change you are far away from the comfort of family and friends to help you through it. These are the main reasons why some people feel homesick. Some people love all the changes and really take it in their stride like meeting new people, trying new food etc… because it makes them feel more mature and independent.
Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to
Homesickness is so common amongst travellers it’s important to figure out ways in which you can deal with it all.

There are several ways in which to avoid becoming homesick which I found great!
Best Ways to Avoid Feeling Homesick
1. Be open-minded
First of all try to be open minded and friendly to everyone you meet, this will give you the chance to become friends with people and build relationships with everyone you come across.
2. Get Involved
Get involved in the country’s culture, it will get you trying new things that you wouldn’t normally eat, do or see.
3. Communicate!
Communication with everyone from home is really important, there are so many different ways it makes it so easy and quick. I like to use Skype or face-time, it gives me the opportunity to see their reactions and see them face to face, it feels more real. I find emailing a great way to communicate as well especially to send pictures and memories of your day to day life and experiences. And of course, nowadays everyone just communicates via Facebook (or snapchat, whatsapp etc)
4. Keep busy
When I first arrived in Australia I planned out all the destinations and places that I wanted to see and things I wanted to do. Keeping busy will ensure that your mind is taken off missing home and more so about having fun and getting on with the adventure you set out for. I was very organised so I always had something to look forward to and I often call my parents, telling them all about my adventures.
You’ll be going back home soon enough so enjoy every minute that you’re away because when you get back home you’re more than likely going to feel ‘homesick’ about the place you just left behind!